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youthworks.com$4,61836410Learn More
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Kids International Ministries
Kids International Ministry uses the phrase 'Breaking the Cycle'... What is the 'Cycle' and how do we break it? Watch th
621 ( 17 )
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kids in ministry international3 ( 4 )
kid international6
kids international ministries1
international ministry16 ( 3 )
kids im1
20N /A
KIDS International Ministries - Community Ministry
Along with the Childrens Home and Cuatro Christian School, KIDS also has many ministries to reach out into the community surrounding the ministry cent
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Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Loving. Teaching. Serving. KIDS.
Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Loving. KIDS. Serving. Teaching.
Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Loving. Serving. KIDS. Teaching.
Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Teaching. Serving. Loving. KIDS.
Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference‎
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Serving. Loving. Teaching. KIDS. Locations: US, Philippines.
Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference‎
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Serving. Teaching. KIDS. Loving.
Looking for a mission trip? | Come help us make a difference‎
What are you waiting for? You can help us reach others with the love of Christ. Loving. Serving. KIDS. Teaching.
Volunteer Abroad | Come And Make A Difference‎
Come and help us make a difference in children's lives. Loving. KIDS. Teaching. Serving.

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