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Management - United States Coast Guard Academy
The Management program delivers a broad undergraduate education in all major business disciplines. Course sequences provide emphasis in the following.
211 ( 4 )
KeywordPositionTrendSearch VolCPC
major management17
major in management15
coast guard leadership and management school10
0N /A
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) major provides a strong education in engineering, mathematics and the sciences, focused on theĀ ..
59 ( 16.5 )
KeywordPositionTrendSearch VolCPC
naval architecture13 ( 10 )
navy architecture20
marine-engineering30 ( 17 )
naval architecture and marine engineering2
information about marine engineering18

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Tuition and Scholarships
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Apply Online. Get A Virtual Tour.
Tuition and Scholarships
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Get A Virtual Tour. Apply Online.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program | uscga.edu
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Apply Online. Get A Virtual Tour.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program | uscga.edu
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Get A Virtual Tour. Apply Online.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program | uscga.edu
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Apply Online. Get A Virtual Tour.
Tuition and Scholarships
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for...
Tuition and Scholarships
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Get A Virtual Tour. Apply Online.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program | uscga.edu
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Get A Virtual Tour. Apply Online.
Uscga.edu | U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Apply Online. Get A Virtual Tour.
Tuition and Scholarships
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program | uscga.edu
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Apply Online.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program | uscga.edu
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Get A Virtual Tour. Apply Online.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy | 2019 AIM Summer Program
Join us for a one-week summer program where you'll immerse yourself in Academy life. Offered for students entering their senior year of high school. Apply by 4/1/19. Apply Online. Get A Virtual Tour.

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