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$1850 DUI Misdemeanor Flat Fee | -For Felonies $150/hour
$1850 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr. Misdemeanor flat rate. Experience DUI attorney. Highlights: Free DUI Audio Available, Experienced Sole Practitioner Availab
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Misdemeanor flat rate. Experience DUI attorney.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies charges $150 per hour. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor Flat Fee | -For Felonies $150/hour
$1850 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr. Misdemeanor flat rate. Experience DUI attorney.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor Flat Fee | -For Felonies $150/hour
$1850 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | --FOR Felonies $150/hour
$1850 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies charges $150 per hour. Experienced lawyer. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies charges $150 per hour. Experienced lawyer. Misdemeanor flat rate. Experience DUI attorney.
$1850 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies charges $150 per hour. Experienced lawyer
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | --FOR Felonies $150/hour
$1500 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr. Misdemeanor flat rate. Experience DUI attorney.
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate. Highlights: Provide Competent And Informed Consultation, Provide Ongoing Communication.
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Misdemeanor flat rate. Experience DUI attorney. Highlights: Provide Competent And Informed Consultation, Provide Ongoing Communication.
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | --FOR Felonies $150/hour
$1500 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate. Highlights: Provide Competent And Informed Consultation, Provide Ongoing Co
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney.
$1500 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial‎
Felonies charges $150 per hour. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney.
$1250 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial‎
Felonies $150/hr with $3k Advanced payment. Experienced lawyer. Experience DUI attorney. Misdemeanor flat rate.
$1250 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | --FOR Felonies $150/hour‎
$1250 flat fee cases-all work up to but not including trial. Felony-$150 hr
$1250 DUI Misdemeanor FLAT Fee | Up to but not including trial‎
Felonies charges $150 per hour. Experienced lawyer

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