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Upper Thane Pre-Launch Offers | 1 BHK Starts @ Rs. 49.23 Lakhs
1, 2 & 3 Bed AC Homes with world-class Amenities Set in 150 Acre Forest Estate @ Rs.49.23L. Pay 5% & bank pays the next 95%*, ZERO Stamp Duty, Marbital flooring*, Designer bathrooms. 20,000 Sq.ft Club
Upper Thane Pre-Launch Offers | 1 BHK Starts @ Rs. 49.23 Lakhs
1, 2 & 3 Bed AC Homes with world-class Amenities Set in 150 Acre Forest Estate @ Rs.49.23L. Pay...
Upper Thane Pre-Launch Offers | 1 BHK Starts @ Rs. 49.23 Lakhs
1, 2 & 3 Bed AC Homes with world-class Amenities Set in 150 Acre Forest Estate @ Rs.49.23L. Pay 5% & bank pays the next 95%*, ZERO Stamp Duty, Marbital flooring*, Designer bathrooms. MahaRERA Approved
Pre Launch by Upper Thane | 1 BHK Starts @ Rs. 49.23 Lakhs‎
1, 2 & 3 Bed AC Homes, Set in a 150 Acre Forest Estate starting Rs. 49.23 Lakhs. MahaRERA Approved. 20,000 Sq.ft Clubhouse. Multi Sports Courts. Amenities: Playground, Football, Gymnasium, Pool, Audit
PreLaunch by Upper Thane | 1 BHK Starts @ Rs. 49.23 Lakhs‎
1, 2 & 3 Bed AC Homes, Set in a 150 Acre Forest Estate starting Rs. 49.23 Lakhs. MahaRERA Approved. 20,000 Sq.ft Clubhouse. Multi Sports Courts. Amenities: Playground, Football, Gymnasium, Pool, Audit

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