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Novus Homeshare: Home
Novus Homeshare is a charity that matches people who want help or support around the house with people who need accommodation and are willing to help.
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My friends were unsure, now they all want to do it.” | Home | Novus ...
8 Feb 2018 - Homeshare match Luke (Homesharer) and Patsy (Householder) shares their unique Homeshare experience exclusiv
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Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Background checks. Friendly team. Regular contact. Enhanced DBS checks. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Regular contact. Friendly team. Background checks. Enhanced DBS checks. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Background checks.
Affordable Accommodation | London living for less
Looking for accommodation in London but finding rent too expensive? Novus can help you out
Affordable Accommodation | London living for less
Looking for accommodation in London but finding rent too expensive? Novus can help you out. Find...
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Friendly team. Enhanced DBS checks. Regular contact. Background checks. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Looking For A Room
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Regular contact. Background checks. Friendly team. Enhanced DBS checks. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Enhanced DBS checks. Regular contact. Background checks. Friendly team. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Background checks. Regular contact. Friendly team. Enhanced DBS checks. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Friendly team. Background checks. Regular contact. Enhanced DBS checks. Destinations: London, Cambridge, Harrow.
Affordable Accommodations | Across London £200.00p/m
Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to make a difference? Friendly team.
Affordable Homes to Share | London & Surrounding Areas‎
Homeshare offers an affordable room and an experience like no other. Background checks. Enhanced DBS checks. Regular contact. Friendly team. Benefits: Reduces Costs Of Living, Safe, Quiet And Comforta
Affordable Homes to Share | London & Surrounding Areas‎
Homeshare offers an affordable room and an experience like no other.

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