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Luxurious residences and houses for sale near Warsaw | Ventana
However, Ventana does not mean only houses for sale but also various attractions and facil...
513.33 ( 0.17 )
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Accommodation In Warsaw | 18 km from Warsaw City Centre | ventana.pl
Gated development surrounded by lakes and forest. under Warsaw. 15 min from the centre. the highest standard. luxurious residences. Amenities: Club House, private tennis court.
Property For Sale Warsaw | Learn more.‎
18 km from Warsaw City Centre. Timeless classical architecture. the highest standard. 15 min from the centre. luxurious residences. Amenities: Club House, private tennis court, playground for children
Warsaw Properties | 18 km from Warsaw City Centre‎
Gated development surrounded by lakes and forest. under Warsaw. 15 min from the centre. luxurious residences. the highest standard. Amenities: Club House, private tennis court, playground for children
Property In Poland | 18 km from Warsaw City Centre‎
Gated development surrounded by lakes and forest. under Warsaw

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