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Broadfork Garden Tiller | Efortless garden tilling‎
The only broadfork with a crossbar grip & adjustable tine spacing. Unique features available. Hand crafted in Indiana. Comfortable wood crossbar. Features: Interchangeable Tines, Easily Replaceable, H
Broadfork or U-bar tiller? | Ease of tilling effort is key‎
Till soil with the only broadfork with a crossbar grip & adjustable tine spacing. Features: Interchangeable Tines, Easily Replaceable, Horizontal Solid Oak Handle.
Broadfork or U-bar tiller? | Ease of tilling effort is key‎
Till soil with the only broadfork with a crossbar grip & adjustable tine spacing – Features: Interchangeable Tines, Easily Replaceable, Horizontal Solid Oak Handle.
Garden tilling can be easier | Choose the best broadfork‎
Till soil with the only broadfork with adjustable tine spacing & a crossbar grip

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