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John 3:16 Mission | Donate Today
Help Tulsa's Needy. Change the lives of homeless and hurting people. A 501(c)3 nonprofit. Hot meals. Every $1 saves lives. Warm, safe beds.
John 3:16 Mission | Help Tulsa's Needy
Together we can change the lives of our homeless neighbors. Donate today! Warm, safe beds. A 501(c)3 nonprofit. Every $1 saves lives. Hot meals.
John 3:16 Mission | Donate Today | John316Mission.org
Help Tulsa's Needy. Change the lives of homeless and hurting people. Every $1 saves lives.
Donate Today
Together we can change the lives of our homeless neighbors. Donate today!
John 3:16 Mission | Donate Today
Help Tulsa's Needy. Change the lives of homeless and hurting people. Hot meals. Warm, safe beds. A 501(c)3 nonprofit. Every $1 saves lives.
Donate Today
$2.11 provides a Christmas meal to hungry and homeless neighbors. Every $1 saves lives. Hot meals.
John 3:16 Mission | Change Lives This Christmas
$2.11 provides a Christmas meal to hungry and homeless neighbors. Every $1 saves lives. Warm, safe beds. A 501(c)3 nonprofit. Hot meals.

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