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Carrier Screening - Harmony test
Carrier screening is testing used to determine if a person is a carrier of a severe geneti...
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The Harmony Prenatal Test was developed by Ariosa Diagnostics, a laboratory certified by t...
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99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional. As Early as 10 Weeks. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
Outperforms First Trimester Screening, including nuchal translucency. As Early as 10 Weeks. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
Outperforms First Trimester Screening, including nuchal translucency. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. Lower False Negatives. Results 5-7 days.
Test for Abnormal Chromosomes | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
Accurately identifies over 99% of trisomy cases. Assess your baby's health. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional.
Noninvasive Trisomy Screening | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
Easily integrate with patient care. A simple blood draw is all that is required. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives. Accurate Detection Rate.
Cell-Free DNA Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Accurate Detection Rate.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. As Early as 10 Weeks. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives. Accurate Detection Rate. Superior to Traditional.
Cell-Free DNA Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives.
Noninvasive Trisomy Screening | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
Easily integrate with patient care. A simple blood draw is all that is required. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Results 5-7 days.
Cell-Free DNA Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
More accurate than nuchal translucency ultrasound for T21. Superior to Traditional. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Accurate Detection Rate. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Results 5-7 days.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Lower False Negatives. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Trisomy 21, 18, 13 Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Superior to Traditional. As Early as 10 Weeks. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
Outperforms First Trimester Screening, including nuchal translucency. Accurate Detection Rate. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Trisomy 21, 18, 13 Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Cell-Free DNA Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Lower False Negatives. Accurate Detection Rate. Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Trisomy 21, 18, 13 Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Cell-Free DNA Test | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. Accurate Detection Rate.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Accurate Detection Rate.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
More accurate than nuchal translucency ultrasound for T21. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Superior to Traditional. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
Outperforms First Trimester Screening, including nuchal translucency. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks. Accurate Detection Rate. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
More accurate than nuchal translucency ultrasound for T21. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Results 5-7 days. Superior to Traditional.
Cell-Free DNA Test | Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
Noninvasive prenatal testing to assess risk of trisomies 21 18 & 13. Accurate Detection Rate. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives. As Early as 10 Weeks. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate.
Noninvasive Trisomy Screening | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
Easily integrate with patient care. A simple blood draw is all that is required. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
More accurate than nuchal translucency ultrasound for T21. As Early as 10 Weeks. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. Superior to Traditional. Lower False Negatives.
Noninvasive Prenatal Test | When Patients Need Accuracy
More accurate than nuchal translucency ultrasound for T21. Accurate Detection Rate. Results 5-7 days. As Early as 10 Weeks. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional.
99% Accurate Trisomy Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Test
One blood draw can tell if a baby is at high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional. As Early as 10 Weeks.
Fetal DNA Testing | Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Study shows NIPT outperforms First Trimester Screening (FTS) Results 5-7 days. Accurate Detection Rate. Lower False Negatives. Superior to Traditional. As Early as 10 Weeks.

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