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Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. . /. 24. BBQ+. . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. 24. . . /. BBQ+. : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. . . /. 24. BBQ+. : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. 24. . /. . BBQ+. : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. /. 24. BBQ+. . . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. BBQ+. /. 24. . . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. . 24. /. BBQ+. . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. . /. . BBQ+. 24. : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
| -
. . BBQ+. /. 24. . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
Kee Tai Service Apartment | High-level apartment for rent
The very central location with kitchen, housekeeping and 24-hours security. BBQ+. . 24. /. . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area, 5-Star Housekeeping.
. /. BBQ+. 24. . . : Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
一只皮箱輕鬆入住豪宅等級的公寓 | 豪華舒適,首選基泰酒店式公寓‎
信義區及中山區酒店式公寓,專業商務服務、休閒娛樂、嚴選英日語祕書,享受尊榮禮遇. 24小時保全及禮賓服務. 專職社區經理. 頂樓BBQ+宴會廳等豐富公設. 嚴選中英日文商務服務秘書. 居家/商務及各類代辦服務. 設施: Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
一只皮箱輕鬆入住豪宅等級的公寓 | 豪華舒適,首選基泰酒店式公寓‎
信義區及中山區酒店式公寓,專業商務服務、休閒娛樂、嚴選英日語祕書,享受尊榮禮遇. 嚴選中英日文商務服務秘書. 專職社區經理. 24小時保全及禮賓服務. 居家/商務及各類代辦服務. 頂樓BBQ+宴會廳等豐富公設. 設施: Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
信義最舒適的房間-月租高級公寓 | 環境清幽靜謐,同時享有便利生活‎
一進房就知道這是我要的舒適感,芬多精專區與觀景台一次擁有,享受五星級頂級生活! 頂樓BBQ+宴會廳等豐富公設. 24小時保全及禮賓服務. 專職社區經理. 嚴選中英日文商務服務秘書. 居家/商務及各類代辦服務. 設施: Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
信義最舒適的房間-月租高級公寓 | 環境清幽靜謐,同時享有便利生活‎
一進房就知道這是我要的舒適感,芬多精專區與觀景台一次擁有,享受五星級頂級生活! 嚴選中英日文商務服務秘書. 頂樓BBQ+宴會廳等豐富公設. 居家/商務及各類代辦服務. 24小時保全及禮賓服務. 專職社區經理. 設施: Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
信義最舒適的房間-月租高級公寓 | 環境清幽靜謐,同時享有便利生活‎
一進房就知道這是我要的舒適感,芬多精專區與觀景台一次擁有,享受五星級頂級生活! 嚴選中英日文商務服務秘書. 頂樓BBQ+宴會廳等豐富公設. 24小時保全及禮賓服務. 專職社區經理. 居家/商務及各類代辦服務. 設施: Gym, Lobby Center, Open Kitchen, Reading room, Guest Area.
Comfortable service apartment | Monthly rental apartment‎
It’s the home that you can enjoy your lifestyle in a 5-star serviced apartment.
信義區世外桃源-月租酒店式公寓 | 鬧中取靜,獨自享受清幽靜謐生活‎
信義區世外桃源-月租酒店式公寓 - 鬧中取靜,獨自享受清幽靜謐生活‎
一只皮箱輕鬆入住豪宅等級的公寓 | 豪華舒適,首選基泰酒店式公寓‎
信義區及中山區酒店式公寓,專業商務服務、休閒娛樂、嚴選英日語祕書,享受尊榮禮遇. 頂樓BBQ+宴會廳等豐富公設. 專職社區經理. 嚴選中英日文商務服務秘書. 24小時保全及禮賓服務. 居家/商務及各類代辦服務.

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