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Affordable Modern Family Homes | Starting from Mid $200,000s
Looking for a little more breathing room? Green Valley Ranch are affordable and spacious. Our modern homes are perfect for the family looking for a place to spread their roots. Amenities: Modern Exter
New, Modern Homes for Sale | Affordable New Homes Near Reno
Green Valley Ranch is Fernley's newest community. Modern homes with spacious interiors. Energy efficient and located in a safe, beautiful area. Commute to Reno and USA Parkway.
New Homes From Mid $200,000s | Modern Rural Living in Fernley
Green Valley Ranch Homes Are Affordable, Modern, Energy Efficient, and Well-Located. Commute to USA Parkway and Reno. Dog Parks, Schools, and Walking Trails in a Safe Area.
New Homes From Mid $200,000s | Modern Rural Living in Fernley
Green Valley Ranch Homes Are Affordable, Modern, Energy Efficient, and Well-Located. Commute to USA Parkway and Reno. Dog Parks, Schools, and Walking Trails in a Safe Area. Amenities: Modern Exteriors
Affordable Modern Living | Starting from Mid $200,000s
See life at a different pace. Green Valley Ranch homes are a modern take on rural living. Our affordable, energy efficient homes feature spacious interiors in a beautiful setting. Amenities: Modern Ex
Affordable Modern Living | Starting from Mid $200,000s
See life at a different pace. Green Valley Ranch homes are a modern take on rural living. Our affordable, energy efficient homes feature spacious interiors in a beautiful setting. Amenities: Modern Ex
Affordable New Homes Near Reno | Starting from Mid $200,000s
Come see life at a different pace. Green Valley Ranch homes are located just outside Reno. Our modern, energy efficient homes feature spacious interiors in a quiet, beautiful area.

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