Dr. Niazy M. Selim | La Surgeon of Excellence Breast, GI, Minimally Invasive, Robotic and Bariatric Surgery. Individualized Care. Invasive Techniques. Robotic Technology. Trained Team. Advanced Endoscopic. www.lasoemd.com/ Dr. Niazy M. Selim | La Surgeon of Excellence Breast, GI, Minimally Invasive, Robotic and Bariatric Surgery. Invasive Techniques. Robotic Technology. Advanced Endoscopic. Individualized Care. Trained Team. www.lasoemd.com/ Dr. Niazy M. Selim | La Surgeon of Excellence Breast, GI, Minimally Invasive, Robotic and Bariatric Surgery. Advanced Endoscopic. Invasive Techniques. Robotic Technology. Individualized Care. Trained Team. www.lasoemd.com/ |