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Smart Medication Tracking | Electronic Pill Bottle & App
About 50% of people struggle to take their proper dosage on time causing many problems. Medilkyu smart pill bottles can prevent the negative impacts of missed or double doses. Cloud-Based Application.
The Medication Reminder Alarm | Monitors you or loved ones.
Medikyu tracks use and alerts you and your loved ones when its time to take your dose. About 50% of people struggle to take their proper dosage on time causing many problems. Cloud-Based Application.
Never Forget A Dose - Pill Monitoring Made Easy
Easily track your medication use and get alerts when its time to take your dose. Medikyu tracks your medicine and alerts you, preventing dangerous missed or double doses.
Worry Less w/Medikyu | $9.99/m | Smart Pill Reminder App Sale‎
Get Medikyu, the smart pill bottle and supplement tracker for parental care.
Medikyu Never Forget Pill Time | Pay $9.99 & Never Forget Again‎
Track dosages with Medikyu & have less to worry about. Go to medikyu.com now!

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