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Oenotank - Designed for Winemaking
Oenotanks are ready for stainless steel winery fittings. (*) 300gal and 240gal models incl...
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oeno wine making19
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The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Screw Down Lid. Low Permeability. Easy Access. Ultra-Wide. Save Space. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Ultra-Wide. Save Space. Screw Down Lid. Low Permeability. Easy Access. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Ultra-Wide. Easy Access. Low Permeability. Save Space. Screw Down Lid. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Low Permeability. Ultra-Wide. Save Space. Easy Access. Screw Down Lid. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Easy Access. Ultra-Wide. Screw Down Lid. Low Permeability. Save Space. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Easy Access. Screw Down Lid. Low Permeability. Save Space. Ultra-Wide. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Ultra-Wide. Easy Access. Save Space. Low Permeability. Screw Down Lid. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Ultra-Wide. Screw Down Lid. Low Permeability. Save Space. Easy Access. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The most flexible wine tank | 26, 80, 240 and 300 Gal‎
Oenotank is ideal for storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing. Save Space. Easy Access. Ultra-Wide. Screw Down Lid. Low Permeability. Categories: Stackers, Bottles, Oak.
The flexi-use wine tank | super-handy in every winery‎
Storage, transport, fermenting, blending and maturing.

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