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Pozyx - centimeter positioning for arduino
... it is possible to achieve indoor 3D positioning with centimeter accuracy. 2 ... such a...
359.15 ( 0.32 )
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wifi positioning accuracy5 ( 3 )
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People Tracking | Pozyx
With Pozyx we can track people in various settings. Applications range from simple track and trace excercises to complex
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people tracking17

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Sub 4-inch accuracy | Real-time location system
Scalable system with daisychained anchors. Sub 4-inch accuracy in industrial environments. We have solutions for POC, technology validation and permanent deploytments. Fast delivery. Documentation ava
Real-Time Location System | Pozyx UWB
With Pozyx RTLS you can track and trace people, objects, agvs and forklifts. Scalable system suited for deployment in industrial environments. Documentation available. Reprogrammable. API for C/Python
Real-time location system | Pozyx RTLS | Accurate positioning with UWB
We have solutions for POC, technology validation and permanent deploytments. Scalable system with daisychained anchors. Sub 4-inch accuracy in industrial environments. API for C/Python. Documentation
Pozyx RTLS | Real-time location system
We provide robust RTLS systems that are suited for deployment in industrial environments. Scalable system with daisychained anchors. API for C/Python. Documentation available. Reprogrammable.
Sub 4-inch accuracy | Real-time location system | Ultra Wideband System
Scalable system with daisychained anchors. Sub 4-inch accuracy in industrial environments. We have solutions for POC, technology validation and permanent deploytments. Reprogrammable. API for C/Python
Real-time location system | Pozyx RTLS | Accurate positioning with UWB
We have solutions for POC, technology validation and permanent deploytments. Scalable system with daisychained anchors. Sub 4-inch accuracy in industrial environments. API for C/Python. Reprogrammable
Pozyx RTLS | Real-time location system
We provide robust RTLS systems that are suited for deployment in industrial environments. Reprogrammable. Fast delivery. API for C/Python. Documentation available. Types: Anchors, Tags, Full Dev Kits.
Buy Development Kit
Accurate RTLS positioning platform with Decawave's DW1000 chip & sensor fusion. Documentation available. API for C/Python. Reprogrammable. Fast delivery. Types: Anchors, Tags, Full Dev Kits.
Pozyx | Decawave DW1000 + Sensorfusion | pozyx.io
Accurate RTLS positioning platform with Decawave's DW1000 chip & sensor fusion. API for C/Python. Documentation available. Reprogrammable. Fast delivery. Types: Anchors, Tags, Full Dev Kits.
Official Decawave Partner | RTLS Positioning with Pozyx | pozyx.io‎
Indoor positioning with Decawave's DW1000 chip. 4in accuracy & @50Hz updaterate. Fast delivery. API for C/Python. Documentation available. Reprogrammable. Types: Anchors, Tags, Full Dev Kits.
Pozyx | Decawave DW1000 + Sensorfusion | pozyx.io‎
Accurate RTLS positioning platform with Decawave's DW1000 chip & sensor fusion.

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