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About Repligen. Our mission is to inspire advances in bioprocessing as a trusted partner i...
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About Repligen. Our mission is to inspire advances in bioprocessing as a trusted partner i...
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Spectra/Por Dialysis Tubing | for general dialysis
With unique properties for different applications and membrane configurations. 12 Flat Widths. 8 MWCO's. Wide Range of Pore Sizes. Highlights: A Bioprocessing-Focused Life Sciences Company, In Service
Spectra/Por Dialysis Tubing | for general dialysis | Now from Repligen
With unique properties for different applications and membrane configurations. 8 MWCO's. Wide Range of Pore Sizes. 12 Flat Widths. Highlights: A Bioprocessing-Focused Life Sciences Company, In Service
Spectra/Por Dialysis Tubing | for general dialysis | Now from Repligen
With unique properties for different applications and membrane configurations. 8 MWCO's. 12 Flat Widths. Wide Range of Pore Sizes.
No compromise on performance. | Experts in column packing.
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Any size. Any resin. Ultimate flexibility. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health.
Spectra/Por Dialysis Tubing | for general dialysis
With unique properties for different applications and membrane configurations. 12 Flat Widths.
Spectra/Por Dialysis Tubing | for general dialysis
With unique properties for different applications and membrane configurations. 8 MWCO's. 12 Flat Widths. Wide Range of Pore Sizes.
Award-winning design. | Experts in column packing.
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Any size. Any resin. Ultimate flexibility.
Award-winning design. | Experts in column packing.
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Any size. Any resin. Ultimate flexibility. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns.
Spectra/Por Dialysis Tubing | for general dialysis | Now from Repligen
With unique properties for different applications and membrane configurations
Award-winning design. | Experts in column packing | repligen.com
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Any size. Any resin. Ultimate flexibility. Trusted biologics partner. Fast, flexible solutions. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns.
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Trusted biologics partner. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Improving human health. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Repligen XCell ATF Perfusion | Now Available in Single-Use
Achieve 100% Upstream Cell Retention. No Autoclaves or Lengthy Setup Needed. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Highlights: Single-U
Repligen XCell ATF Perfusion | Now Available in Single-Use
Achieve 100% Upstream Cell Retention. No Autoclaves or Lengthy Setup Needed.
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Award-winning design.
Thousands of columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Improving human health. Trusted biologics partner. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Highlights: Expert In Column Packin
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Trusted biologics partner.
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Award-winning design.
Thousands of columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Expert In Column Packin
No compromise on performance. | Repligen OPUS® Columns.
Any size. Any resin. Ultimate flexibility. Go with the leader of the pack. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Highlights: Expert In
No compromise on performance. | Repligen OPUS® Columns.
Any size. Any resin. Ultimate flexibility. Go with the leader of the pack. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Expert In
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Experts in column packing.
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Expert
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Award-winning design.
Thousands of columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Improving human health.
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Award-winning design | repligen.com
Thousands of columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health.
Meet XCell ATF Single-Use | Simplify Your Bioprocessing
One Single-Use System - 100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Single-Use C
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Improving human health. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Trusted biologics partner. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Award-winning design.
Thousands of columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Improving human health. Trusted biologics partner. Highlights: Expert In Column Packin
No Autoclave Single-use | 100% Upstream Cell Retention.
XCell ATF Single-use Perfusion - Repligen. Trusted biologics partner. Fast, flexible solutions. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Highlights: Single-Use Convenience, Alternating Tangen
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Award-winning design.
Thousands of columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Expert In Column Packin
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Trusted biologics partner. Fast, flexible solutions. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Experts in column packing.
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Highlights: Expert
Repligen OPUS® Columns. | Experts in column packing.
Over 500 manufacturing-scale columns shipped. Go with the leader of the pack. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Highlights: Expert
Meet XCell ATF Single-Use | Simplify Your Bioprocessing
One Single-Use System - 100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup. Fast, flexible solutions. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Trusted biologics partner.
Advance Without Autoclaves | XCell ATF Single-Use is Here
100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup - Only from Repligen. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Highlights: Single-Use Conv
Repligen MiniChrom Columns | For pool hold studies.
Choose any resin. No compromise on performance. Quick delivery time. Improving human health. Trusted biologics partner. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns.
Repligen MiniChrom Columns | For pool hold studies.
Choose any resin. No compromise on performance. Quick delivery time. Improving human health. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions.
Meet XCell ATF Single-Use | Simplify Your Bioprocessing
One Single-Use System - 100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup. Improving human health. Fast, flexible solutions. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Trusted biologics partner. Highlights: Single-Use C
Repligen XCell ATF Single-Use | High Density Cell Banking
Simplify & Intensify Upstream Bioprocessing w/ Single-Use Convenience. See How! Trusted biologics partner. Improving human health. Awards for OPUS® Columns. Fast, flexible solutions. Highlights: Singl
Meet XCell ATF Single-Use | Simplify Your Bioprocessing
One Single-Use System - 100% Upstream Cell Retention - 80% Faster Setup. Fast, flexible solutions. Improving human health. Trusted biologics partner. Awards for OPUS® Columns.

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