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Make a Prayer Request | St Anthony Shrine
Post your prayer or pray for the intentions of others. To post your prayer request, type i...
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Make a Prayer Request - St. Anthony Shrine
To post your prayer request, type in the box below and click submit. Your prayers will be ...
14312.13 ( 1.25 )
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Catholic National Shrine | Make a Prayer Request | Offer a Mass Intention
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a M
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Offer a Mass Intention. Come Visit Us. Light a Votive Candle. Catholic
Join our Prayer Community | Patron of Lost Things
You may also join our on-line prayer community. Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Catholic National Shrine. Offer a Mass Intention. Light a Votive Candl
St. Anthony Prayer Intentions | Patron of Finding Lost Things
Ask St. Anthony's intercession by lighting a candle or having a mass offered.
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help | StAnthony.org
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Light a Votive Candle. Come Visit Us. Offer a Mass Intention.
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Catholic National Shrine.
Catholic National Shrine | Join our Prayer Community
You may also join our on-line prayer community. Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Offer a Mass Intention. Light a
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Catholic National Shrine. Come Visit Us. Light a Votive Candle. Offer
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join...
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Catholic National Shrine. Offer a Mass Intention. Come Visit Us. Patro
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Patron of Lost Things. Catholic National Shrine. Come Visit Us. Offer
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community | StAnthony.org
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join...
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help | StAnthony.org
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join...
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Patron of Lost Things. Light a Votive Candle. Catholic National Shrine
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community | StAnthony.org
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Light a Votive Candle. Catholic National Shrine. Come Visit Us.
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention. Catholic National Shrin
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Offer a Mass Intention. Patron of Lost Things. Light a Votive Candle.
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. You may also join our on-line prayer community. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Catholic National Shrine. Offer
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Offer a Mass Intention. Catholic National Shrine. Light a Votive Candle. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Catholic National Shrine. Patron of Lost Things. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention. Come Visit Us. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Catholic National Shrine. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Light a Votive Candle. Catholic National Shrine. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Offer a Mass Intention. Service
Make a Prayer Request
Support the Friars to be effective ministers of the Gospel & serve the needy. Light a Votive Candle. Patron of Lost Things. Offer a Mass Intention. Catholic National Shrine. Come Visit Us. Services: P
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Offer a Mass Intention. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Catholic National Shrine. Light a Votive Candle. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community | StAnthony.org
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic
Support the Franciscan Friars | St. Anthony Shrine Donations‎
Support the Friars to be effective ministers of the Gospel & serve the needy.
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Catholic National Shrine. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention.
St. Anthony Novena Prayers | Patron of Finding Lost Things‎
Ask St. Anthony's intercession by joining us in praying a novena with the Friars. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Catholic National Shrine. Offer a Mass Intention. Light a Votive Candle. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community | StAnthony.org‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Come Visit Us. Catholic National Shrine. Light a Votive Candle. Patron of Lost Things. Offer a Mass Intention. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Offer a Mass Intention. Patron of Lost Things. Light a Votive Candle. Come Visit Us. Catholic National Shrine. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Patron of Lost Things. Offer a Mass Intention. Come Visit Us. Catholic National Shrine. Light a Votive Candle. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Ask for St. Anthony's Help‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Come Visit Us. Offer a Mass Intention. Light a Votive Candle. Patron of Lost Things. Catholic National Shrine. Service
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Catholic National Shrine. Offer a Mass Intention. Light a Votive Candle. Service
St. Anthony Novena Prayers | Patron of Finding Lost Things‎
Ask St. Anthony's intercession by joining us in praying a novena with the Friars. Catholic National Shrine. Patron of Lost Things. Come Visit Us. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention. Service
St. Anthony Novena Prayers | Patron of Finding Lost Things‎
Ask St. Anthony's intercession by joining us in praying a novena with the Friars. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Catholic National Shrine. Service
Donate to the Franciscans | St. Anthony Shrine Donations‎
Support the Friars to be effective ministers of the Gospel & serve the needy. Light a Votive Candle. Offer a Mass Intention. Catholic National Shrine. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Services: P
Make a Prayer Request | Join our Prayer Community | stanthony.org‎
Submit your prayer intentions and we will place them next to St. Anthony's relic. Catholic National Shrine. Light a Votive Candle. Come Visit Us. Patron of Lost Things. Offer a Mass Intention.

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