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CareStat | SHP - Strategic Healthcare Programs
CareStat uses SHP's comprehensive home health agency data and analytics, with agencies' pe...
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SHP's OASIS data scrubbing software lets you correct documentation inconsistencies before sending to CMS. Get reimbursed for your work. Average 400% .
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ACO Healthcare | Care Coordination Analytics
Create & Share: Plans of Care across Agencies for Patient Profiles & Data. Improve ReHospitalization Rates, Patient Satisfaction. Real Time Agency Level reporting. Reduce Readmissions. Stay Competitiv
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Join 6K+ home health and hospice organizations using SHP to improve performance. Improve your scores. Comply with CMS. Improve staff performance. Maximize reimbursement. Hospice and Home Health. Highl
SHP for Home Health
Join 6K+ home health and hospice organizations using SHP to improve performance. Improve staff performance. Improve your scores. Hospice and Home Health. Maximize reimbursement. Comply with CMS. Highl
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Show your Hospice's value using SHP's real-time reports & benchmarking program. Meet the CoPs.
SHP for Home Health
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Hospice Quality Measures | HIS, QAPI, CAHPS Hospice | SHPData.com
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Grow Your Hospice Referrals | Learn What Makes You Unique
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SHP for Home Health
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Make Your Hospice Stand Out | Market Your Unique Qualities
Show your value using SHP's real-time data analytics and benchmarking program. All-in-one HIS and QAPI. Largest CAHPS benchmarks. Improve staff performance. Meet the CoPs. Automatic data collection. H
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Take a 2-Minute Tour
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Hospice Quality Measures | HIS, QAPI, CAHPS Hospice‎
Improve your performance with SHP's real-time data & benchmarking. Meet the CoPs. Improve staff performance. CAHPS Hospice benchmarks. Improve your scores. Automatic data collection. Services: Hospice
Hospice Quality Requirements | HIS, QAPI, CAHPS Hospice‎
Improve your performance with SHP's real-time data & benchmarking. Improve staff performance. Meet the CoPs. Improve your scores. Automatic data collection. CAHPS Hospice benchmarks. Services: Hospice
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Oasis-d | Homecare OASIS Assessment Tool | shpdata.com‎
Avoid reimbursement errors - Maximize revenue, improve scores & comply with CMS. Increase Star Rating – Enhance performance – Features: Real-Time View Into Performance With No Delays, Automatic Interf
Home Health Quality Ratings | Home Health Compare Ratings.‎
Start improving your agency's quality and patient satisfaction scores today! Improve HHCAHPS scores. Improve staff performance. Comply with CMS. Increase Star Rating. Provide staff oversight. Maximize
Home Health Oasis | Homecare OASIS Assessment Tool‎
Avoid reimbursement errors - Maximize revenue, improve scores & comply with CMS. Increase Star Rating. Enhance performance. Features: Real-Time View Into Performance With No Delays, Automatic Interfac
Healthcare Data Analytics | Care Coordination Tools‎
Real-time reports connecting hospitals and PAC providers to improve outcomes. Track Continuum of Care. Better Coordinate Care. Avoid Financial Penalties. Improve Patient Outcomes. Improve Care Coordin
Hospice Marketing Ideas | Real-time HQRP Quality Reports‎
Show your Hospice's value using SHP's real-time reports & benchmarking program. Largest CAHPS benchmarks. Hospice and Home Health. Meet the CoPs. Improve staff performance.
Home Health Oasis | Homecare OASIS Assessment Tool | shpdata.com‎
Avoid reimbursement errors - Maximize revenue, improve scores & comply with CMS. Enhance performance. Increase Star Rating.

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