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Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge - Skild
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The Future of Healthy Homes | Our Innovation Challenge
Seeking ideas that merge tech and design to create affordable, healthier homes. Highlights: Offer Affordable Housing, Use Innovative Technology And Design.
The Future of Healthy Homes | Submit your idea today | skild.com
We're investing up to $10M in the future of healthy homes. Apply today! Highlights: Offer Affordable Housing, Use Innovative Technology And Design.
The Future of Healthy Homes | Our Innovation Challenge | skild.com
Seeking ideas that merge tech and design to create affordable, healthier homes. Highlights: Offer Affordable Housing, Use Innovative Technology And Design.
The Future of Healthy Homes | Our Innovation Challenge | skild.com
Seeking ideas that merge tech and design to create affordable, healthier homes.
The Future of Healthy Homes | Submit your idea today
We're investing up to $10M in the future of healthy homes. Apply today! Highlights: Offer Affordable Housing, Use Innovative Technology And Design.
The Future of Healthy Homes | Up to $10M for Healthy Homes
Do you have an idea that combines tech & design to create healthier communities?
The Future of Healthy Homes | Up to $10M for Healthy Homes
Do you have an idea that combines tech & design to create healthier communities? Highlights: Offer Affordable Housing, Use Innovative Technology And Design.

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