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Real-time PCR - Clontech
Takara Bio scientists are expert enzymologists who are continually working to improve enzy...
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6x His Antibody | TakaraBio USA
Detects as little as 1 ng of 6xHis-tagged protein- High sensitivity
GST Tag Purification - TakaraBio USA
High yield, high capacity, reusable, easy protocol.
Simple TB Green Real-Time PCR | TakaraBio USA
Our one step Master Mix kit makes TB Green RT-PCR simple. Try it today!
Clontech Magnetic Beads | TakaraBio USA
Protein purification magnetic beadsQuick, easy & effective! Learn how
Mouse BCR repertoire analysis | Sequence heavy & light chains
The SMARTer Mouse BCR IgG H/K/L Profiling Kit captures full V(D)J sequences using 5'-RACE. Choose a more sensitive and unbiased immune sequencing method starting from RNA or B cells.
Fast PCR | SpeedSTAR HS DNA Polymerase
With an extension speed at 10 sec/kb for amplicons up to 20 kb.
NucleoSpin DNA Stool | Let beads do the dirty work.
View data demonstrating superior performance relative to competitor kits. Flexible inputs. Fast protocol. Higher yields.
One Step TB Green RT-PCR kits | TakaraBio USA
TB Green Real Time PCR in one convenient premix formula. Try it!
Low cell number ChIP-seq - Libraries from 10,000 cells
Generate high complexity ChIP-seq libraries from 50 pg to 50 ng of DNA in 2 hrs
Using firefly luciferase? | Switch to a better assay
Secreted alkaline phosphatase: non-invasive, 10x more sensitive, single-tube rxn
Mighty Mix DNA Ligation Kit - Rapid, Quick, Ligation
Enables high-efficiency ligations for cohesive, blunt-end, and TA cloning. 5 - 30 minute protocol. 2X mix eliminates extra pipetting and purification steps.
Fast genome amplification | Single tube, only 2 hours
Highly reproducible whole genome amplification. Compatible with downstream NGS, aCGH, or qPCR.
Measure cell proliferation | Quick and easy format
Just add premix to cells and quantify in under an hour
1 tube, 2 hours, 3 steps | NGS libraries from 50 pg DNA
Unique Dual Indexes mitigate barcode hopping. High complexity libraries, intact or FFPE DNA.
Stellar Competetent Cells - From Takara Bio | 5e8 cfu/ug
Cloning, subcloning, methlyated DNA cloning, cDNA & genomic library construction. Available in multiple formats, including 96-well plate.
Genomic DNA | TakaraBio USA
High-quality human, mouse, and rat genomic DNA.
Don't buy Lysis Buffer | TakaraBio USA
Before you check out- XtractorMild on your protein, tough on cell
gDNA: Human, Mouse, Rat | TakaraBio USA
High-quality genomic DNA from human, mouse, and rat.
CNV and SNV from single cells | Unique Dual Indexes
Highly reproducible whole genome amplification and library prep. Outperforms MDA technology for CNV and SNV detection.
Accurately measure collagen - PIP ELISA kit
Free procollagen peptides directly correlate with collagen molecule synthesis
Measure cytotoxicity - Quick and easy format
Accurately quantify LDH levels in under an hour
Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit | Using In-Fusion® Cloning
1-step mutagenesis protocol. Get your mutants the next day. No DpnI needed. Use our simple...
In-Fusion® Cloning Kits | Lentiviral cloning made easy.
Works for large, hard-to-clone sequences. No restriction sites? No problem. Build any insert into any vector. Tough to clone. Lentiviral sequences. High GC content. Difficult sequences.
In-Fusion® Cloning Kits | Lentiviral cloning made easy.
Works for large, hard-to-clone sequences. No restriction sites? No problem. Build any insert into any vector. Lentiviral sequences. Tough to clone. Difficult sequences. High GC content.
Generating iPS cell lines? | Single-cell clones made easy
Get 50 % single-cell cloning efficiency, 90 % pluripotency, stable karyotype
Sequencing hundreds of clones? | Detect SNPs in less than 4 hrs
Detect single-nucleotide substitutions in mixed or clonal populations before sequencing.
Clone 5+ fragments | Simple with In-Fusion® Cloning
Efficiently & rapidly clone multiple fragments in 1 round of cloning. No restriction sites? No problem. Build any insert into any vector. Multi-Insert Cloning. Gene Assembly. Seamless Cloning. Ligatio
Rapid, Quick, Ligation - Mighty Mix DNA Ligation Kit
Enables high-efficiency ligations for cohesive, blunt-end, and TA cloning. 5 - 30 minute protocol. 2X mix eliminates extra pipetting and purification steps.
In-Fusion® Cloning - Rapid, seamless, ligase-free
One tube, one-step protocol, 95% efficiency. The original seamless cloning mix. Ligation-independent cloning of any insert into any vector. Custom Solutions. 96-well plate format. EcoDry.
In-Fusion® Cloning for SDM | Mutagenesis and Cloning Kit
1-step mutagenesis protocol. Get your mutants the next day. No DpnI needed. Use our simple primer design tool. PCR cloning. SDM Protocol. Tag insertion. Point mutations.
Ribonuclease Inhibitor | TakaraBio USA
Protect RNA during cDNA synthesis.Robust inhibition of RNase A, B & C
Human TCR repertoire analysis | Study TCR alpha/beta diversity
The SMARTer Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit provides full-length V(D)J sequences using 5'-RACE. Study TCR alpha/beta diversity.
Easy His Tag Protein Prep - Pure protein in minutes
Purify proteins at your bench in minutes and avoid the cold room! Learn how. Easy Protocol. High Yields. High Purity.
Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit | Using In-Fusion® Cloning
1-step mutagenesis protocol. Get your mutants the next day. No DpnI needed. Use our simple primer design tool. PCR cloning. SDM Protocol. Point mutations. Tag insertion.
Detect SNPs in edited cells | Save time, reduce costs
Detect nucleotide substitutions in less than 4 hours without sequencing.
Improved real-time PCR - SYBR Advantage qPCR Premix
Convenient master mix that is more specific, more efficient, and twice as fast
Study gene expression in vitro | Easy SEAP reporter kit
Secreted alkaline phosphatase: high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, low noise
Easy His Tag Protein Prep - Pure protein in minutes
Purify proteins at your bench in minutes and avoid the cold room! Learn how. High Purity. High Yields. Easy Protocol.
Purifying RNA from plants? | Overcome challenging samples.
Obtain larger yields and higher quality RNA relative to competitor kits. View data demonstrating successful processing of diverse inputs. Fast protocol. Higher yields. Flexible inputs.
Rapid Seamless Cloning - In-Fusion® Cloning Kits
Free yourself from restriction sites. Try In-Fusion Cloning. Over 95% efficiency. Ligation-independent...

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