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TVSquared Acquires wywy; Opens TVSquared Germany - TVSquared
Nov 14, 2017 - 14, 2017 – TVSquared, the gold-standard for TV measurement and optimization, has acquired wywy, a provider of real-time spot-detection 
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A Talk with our CTO: TVSquared's Origins & the Evolution of TV ...
Nov 22, 2017 - A few weeks ago, our CTO, Kevin O'Reilly, told the story of TVSquared's sta...
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700 Brands and Agencies Use TVSquared to Improve TV Performance by up to 80%. Optimize Spend & Improve TV Campaign Effectiveness. Request A Demo. Real-Time TV Attribution. Brand. Agency. Network. Adv
Direct Response TV Advertising | Same-Day TV Performance
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Improve Campaign Effectiveness And Optimize TV-Driven Response. Access Real-Time, Actionable TV Performance Insights. Contact Us. Measure & Optimize TV. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Brand. Agency. Netwo
Direct Response TV Advertising | Same-Day TV Performance
Measure, Optimize and Plan for TV Campaigns That Generate the Greatest Response. Real-Time TV Attribution. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Measure & Optimize TV. Request a Demo. Brand. Agency. Network. Ser
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Maximize TV Advertising ROI | Measure TV Just Like Digital
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Optimize TV Advertising | Make TV A Performance Channel
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Improve TV Ad Effectiveness | Maximize TV Advertising ROI
Learn the Best Ways to Leverage Performance Analytics to Optimize TV Campaigns.
Optimize TV Advertising | Make TV A Performance Channel
Learn Strategies for Driving 20-80% Uplift in TV Ad Performance. Watch TVSquared's Webinar & Learn How to Maximize TV Advertising ROI . Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attr
Optimize TV Advertising | Make TV A Performance Channel
Learn Strategies for Driving 20-80% Uplift in TV Ad Performance. Watch TVSquared's Webinar & Learn How to Maximize TV Advertising ROI . Attribution on the Spot. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Brand. Agenc
Improve TV Ad Effectiveness | Maximize TV Advertising ROI
Learn the Best Ways to Leverage Performance Analytics to Optimize TV Campaigns. Leverage TV Performance Analytics to Optimize TV Campaigns. Watch the Webinar. Attribution on the Spot.
Maximize TV Advertising ROI | Measure TV Just Like Digital
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Learn Strategies for Driving 20-80% Uplift in TV Ad Performance. Leverage TV Performance Analytics to Optimize TV Campaigns. Watch the Webinar. Brand. Agency. Network.
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TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Measure & Optimize TV. Attribution on the Spot. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Request a Demo. Brand. Agency. Network. Serv
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Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Measure & Optimize TV. Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Services: TV Measure
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Achieve the Highest Possible ROI for Your TV Advertising Spots. Contact Us Now. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Brand. Agency. Network. Measure & Optimize TV. Attribution on the Spot. Services: TV Measurem
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Measure & Optimize TV.
TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Measure & Optimize TV. Request a Demo. Serv
TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Measure & Optimize TV. Attribution on the Spot.
TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Request a Demo. Measure & Optimize TV. Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Serv
Measure Television Advertising | Improve Efficiency Up To 80%
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Measure & Optimize TV. Request a Demo. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Serv
Measure Television Advertising | Improve Efficiency Up To 80%
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Measure & Optimize TV. Attribution on the Spot.
TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Measure & Optimize TV. Request a Demo. Serv
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Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Measure & Optimize TV. Brand. Agency. Network. Attribution on the Spot. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Services: TV Measure
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Access Same-Day Analytics to Identify Your Best Performing TV Spots. Contact Us.
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Access Same-Day Analytics to Identify Your Best Performing TV Spots. Contact Us. Brand. Agency. Network. Measure & Optimize TV. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Services: TV Measure
TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
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TVSquared ADvantage Platform | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More.
Measure Television Advertising | Improve Efficiency Up To 80%
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Direct Response Television | Measure Immediate TV Response
Access Same-Day Analytics to Identify Your Best Performing TV Spots. Contact Us.
Direct Response Television | Request a Demo From TVSquared
Get the Performance Insights Needed to Make Decisions That Maximize TV Response. Measure & Optimize TV. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Services: TV Measure
TVSquared Advertising | Better Your TV Advertising
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Measure & Optimize TV. Brand. Agency. Network. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Request a Demo. Serv
Measure Television Advertising | Improve Efficiency Up To 80%
Achieve the Highest Possible TV Advertising ROI. Contact Us Today to Learn More. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Attribution on the Spot. Brand. Agency. Network. Measure & Optimize TV. Request a Demo. Serv
Direct Response Television | Measure Immediate TV Response
Access Same-Day Analytics to Identify Your Best Performing TV Spots. Contact Us. Brand. Agency. Network. Attribution on the Spot. Advertise. Attribute. Act. Measure & Optimize TV. Services: TV Measure

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