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Ames Test, Ames MPF, Ames II, Rat Liver S9, UmuC - Xenometrix
Ames MPFTM and Ames II Test Kits are ready to use mutagenicity assays in a liquid and miniaturized microplate assay format, similar to a Mini Ames tes
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Franz Diffusion Cells - Xenometrix
41 Items - Franz Diffusion Cells: 15 mm Franz Diffusion Cell, jacketed - 25.2 mm Franz Dif...
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Ames Test | Ready to use kit | Ames MPF Penta 1
The best validated miniaturized Ames test kit, less prone to error, 12x less S9. Ready to use Ames mutagenicity test kit for chemicals, cosmetics, water. ISO 9001:2008 certified. Service Analytics.
Ames Test | Ready to use kit
The best validated miniaturized Ames test kit, less prone to error, 12x less S9. Service Analytics. Commitment for Bioassays. ISO 9001:2008 certified. Services: XenoScreen XL YES/YAS, XenoScreen XL YE
Ames Test | Ready to use kit
The best validated miniaturized Ames test kit, less prone to error, 12x less S9. ISO 9001:2008 certified. Commitment for Bioassays. Service Analytics. Services: XenoScreen XL YES/YAS, XenoScreen XL YE
Ames MPF Mutagenicity Tests - Ames test‎
Ready to Use Ames Fluctuation Assay on microplates, Incl. also S9, Controls, Service Analytics. Commitment for Bioassays. ISO 9001:2008 certified.

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